Doing what you love without any other agenda with Mike / by Mandy Wintink

Doing what you love without any other agenda with Mike
Mike Lovas and Mandy Wintink

Show Notes


We’re up at the cottage driving back from town. We start talking about my podcast but that leads into talking about doing things just for doing them, without another agenda. This leads into a conversation about science and how basic science is just for the sake of curiosity and how there is value in that. Despite this deviation into science, the conversation actually relates to people doing what they love and seeing where it goes. This is a belief I have held for a long time and it is the foundation of my coaching practice and how I personally navigate through life. At one point Mike also suggests that “Mandyland” sounds like a self-centred circus event! After listening to this podcast after the fact, I have to defend my desire to use Mandyland as an umbrella term. I don’t think it’s self-centred in the negative way we think of it but I do think it is self-centred in the sense that it is centred  on me and my thoughts. And I stand by Mandyland as my playground! The conversation ends when we arrive at the cottage! 



None that I can think of… 


Reflective Questions

  • What do you do just for you, without any other agenda, not because of money or for a job or for any other reason than just for you?

  • "What do you do?” If you’re an entrepreneur who wears a lot of different hats, do you hate that question like I do? Or maybe you just hate that question because you hate that a job defines? Or maybe you love it?